I am depressed and bored, I've spent the last hour in class looking at articles from http://www.damninteresting.com/, and I've actually finished reading 90% of the articles in that particular website... I have absolutely nothing to do in this class, hell I'm not even sure why attendance is compulsary, the lecturer isn't even teaching anything, the class is over now though, and here on to my next subject, which happens to be taught by the same lecturer, and this lecturer does not intend to teach for the hour that I am able to attend to the class... because 1 guy didn't attend and the other 2 have other classes, that leaves me, the only guy out of the incredible number that is '4' students for this class, what a massive waste of time. Heck the subject itself is a waste of time, learning how to use the most basic features of Macromedia Director, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with that... and I did multimedia authoring on my 1st semester in KDU, why am I paying to basically learn the same thing?
So here I am wondering what the hell should I do right now... and then I remembered I had a blog...
And what now... this is just bullshit...
Mmm.. the previous 4 posts suck so bad... I think I'm going to delete them.